Tuesday, January 14, 2014


JAN 13

This morning we went for easier, and gentler. Broulee Beach is more calm and dull but much more kid friendly. It is, however, along the same coast as Tuross Head, and is therefore still very beautiful. The waves lapped in moderately all day. The sand was the same. It had ‘go for a run’ written all over it. To the east, the white sand stretched alongside the turquoise water for about four or five kilometres. I love running barefoot along sand. However, you do feel it in your calves afterwards.

Back at the Coach House Marina Resort, S and I had a lengthy swim in the pool. Lying on your back for ages, arms akimbo, feet together and softly paddling, is one of the best feelings. I closed my eyes and all I could see was this brilliant glowing orange behind my eyes. ‘I Believe I’ve Transcended’ said Van Morrison on his live Astral Weeks record.

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