I LIKE Adelaide. I am not enjoying
Melbourne much. But I quite like Adelaide. Melbourne has become glitzy, bossy,
over-crowded and poorly planned. A recent report says about 100,000 people a
year are coming to settle in Victoria. It’s like the Dr Seuss ‘Lorax’- “I’m
figurin’ on gettin’ bigger and bigger.” Adelaide has never really been like
that. Well, it probably will be. It’s always been about 20 or so years ‘behind’
Melbourne- except it’s kind of like ‘in front’ in this case. In Melbourne,
streets like Hoddle Street and Punt Road have never been very good streets.
They are abominable now. Besides being ugly with indiscriminate planning, the
streets are full of cars with psychotic drivers and suburbs that in the 1960’s
would have taken minutes to encompass- say, Preston to Richmond in about
fifteen minutes. Now the same trip along the same streets at a comparative
time, you are looking at about forty five minutes plus. Adelaide still isn’t
like this. I was in Adelaide these last few days. I had some lovely experiences
with the girls like the young boy in Wordsworth’s ‘Prelude’- these so called
‘spots of time passages.’ I had a very optimistic attitude in Adelaide. Maybe
that’s partly why it was so good. But it was just nice to escape Melbourne for
a few days. And I guess, ordinary life. A great antidote to the woes of
ordinary life is to do something different.

So I hopped on a metro train-
something I’ve never done before, even though I’ve been to Adelaide many times.
Adelaide is kind of like an old friend. It’s easy to get around, it’s familiar
and unpretentious and pleasant. I feel like I belong there, and that I could
live there, even though I did try when I was 22, and it was a complete
disaster. I couldn’t find a job, I was living in Kurralta Park of all places,
and the circumstances, particularly the relationship, was all wrong. It was all
my fault, though. Anyway, here I was getting on a train on the ‘Outer Harbour’
line. It took ages for the train to leave, and even then I was switched to
another line at the last minute and could have missed it.
The line out to the places I was
going was interesting. The ‘Outer Harbour’ line takes you past ‘Port Adelaide’
and ‘Alberton’, and a little further in the region of ‘Semaphore.’ It was the
film ‘Look Both Ways’ that was on my mind. I wanted to see the locations that
were used in the film.
In the film we see shots of Justine
Clarke looking bored on the train and travelling past vast industrial
wastelands. These vast industrial wastelands look worse in real life. The view
along the whole of the ‘Outer Harbor’ line was depressing. It made me think
that Adelaide is lovely and soft in the centre, but brittle and ugly on the
outskirts- at least in the west, at any rate. I found some of the locations
used for the film, and found this really interesting. I want to do the same for
the film ‘The Year My Voice Broke’, filmed apparently in Braidwood, New South
Wales. I wandered along Semaphore Road, Semaphore, just like William McInnes,
and was surprised at how close the water and the jetty was to the main road.
Semaphore Road is quite lovely- the sea end of it at least- but Port Adelaide
Station, and all the other stations on this line, and the houses and empty
spaces and factories and graffiti, were all ugly and dispiriting.
I took S and A to the Adelaide Zoo
the next day. The zoo is much nicer than the Melbourne Zoo. It seems more
compact and better designed, and more lovingly constructed in a way. A black
cockatoo nibbled A’s finger, and a goat and a charming deer chewed our shirt
The pandas and koalas were comatose
in their expansive exhibits, and the emu was angry, the pretty pink flamingo
seemed to be dancing as it rotated its extraordinarily thin legs as it nuzzled
its own feathers, and the zoo was quiet and understated and it was so peaceful
and easy and there was nothing ostentatious or grand and in fact the whole area
around the zoo is a pretty green and there are no high risers and the walk down
to the zoo from North Terrace is fresh and lovely and cool and uncomplicated
and free.
We stayed on Pulteney Street,
sandwiched between North Terrace and Rundle Mall. Those silly silver balls
sitting on top of each other are still on Rundle Mall. The charming statues are
still on North Terrace and haven’t been dwarfed by some modern ugly sculptures.
Michael Treloar’s antiquarian bookshop is still going, but only just, and the
food shops on Rundle Mall are still a bit tacky and cheap. The murals on the
walls appear to be the same and people still walk diagonally across some of the
streets and always wait for the lights. The same stuffed animals are in the
museum in exactly the same pose as they were years ago. You haven’t changed
much since then, but your child has become a bit older. It’s so charming in a way. Adelaide people
rarely jaywalk, and always wait for the walking green. This doesn’t happen in
bad brash Melbourne much.
I felt a cold wind, a note of
warning, however. It seemed like Adelaide was still determined to ‘catch up.’
There was a lot of noise going on. Saws and drills, and unsightly cranes. Some
weird thing was going on around the Rundle Mall/ King William Street
intersection. The lovely ‘Beehive Corner’ was half hidden. ‘Haigh’s chocolates’
was still there, but tragically obscured, and there were those annoying wind
tunnels going on everywhere to protect people from falling hammers and what not
on construction sites. Don’t get me started on the Festival Centre area. The
Torrens River was barely visible due to the vast construction site in place. So
much for ‘boats for hire.’
1 comment:
The grass always seems greener.....
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